The most striking situation in the international relations during the epidemic was the decreasing confidence between the countries. While single bloc countries such as China and Russia do not experience internal fragmentation due to their central movement, the Western world has entered a disintegration process in every aspect from NATO to the EU.
With regard to NATO, France fired a wick when the union said its function was over, while the EU and the southern countries took a stand against each other in the economic recovery packages. Although an agreement was reached at the end, the clashes within the union became clear. In the early periods of the epidemic, the confiscation of each other’s property was the moment when the first signals of today’s life were given.
The European Union (EU) Commission stated that the Corona virus outbreak crisis affected the European economy more than expected. Revising its estimates for the end of 2020, which it previously announced, the Commission announced that a contraction of 8.3 percent is expected in EU countries by the end of the year. In its estimation announced last May, the EU Commission shared its expectation of contraction with the public at 7.7 percent, stating that “EU countries are being dragged into an unprecedented economic recession”.
If we need to share our decreasing exports in the EU with the figures that have changed compared to last year; Italy – 26.33%, France – 25.13%, Sweden – 16.94%, Bulgaria – 16.89%, England – 15.63%, Germany – 13.10% exports decreased.
One of the issues I mentioned in my previous articles was that European dependent exports in foreign trade would not be sustainable. Approximately 50 percent of our exports are carried out through Europe, while blood loss is serious in the Arab market and the Middle East. In the Libya crisis, we lost the Saudi Arabia, Egypt and United Arab Emirates market. semi-state of war with Syria and Iraq’s border with Turkey, claiming infringement of two notes not taken into consideration if a serious economic crisis in the medium term it seems very likely trigger.
UAE in Libya and Arabia Turkey trade to a minimum indirges also the real danger is not here, prevailing over Libya for a long time in Italy and plays an important role in the overthrow Gaddafi, France. Countries such as Britain and Turkey may seem, this is no longer supported by the United States dominates the EU and its allies it is also not reliable. In the instant interest changes, they can change their location quickly. At this point, with the maneuvers on Cyprus, the lobbies of Greece and Southern Cyprus will act with France, an active ally in the EU.
If these policies continue, the break with the EU, to which we bind 50 percent of our economy, seems inevitable. The Hagia Sophia move will sharpen all these moves. It is necessary to be ready for sudden changes, not in the long term, but in a medium term.
In short, in the coming days, it will open to new markets, especially the South Asian market, or it will experience the biggest collapse in its 100-year history. I repeat the warning I give to companies every time I write and consult; If you do not move away from the usual and memorized movements and produce an innovative solution, you may experience serious collapse. Serious crises are overcome by non-memorizing methods.
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